Saturday, February 7, 2009

My new haircut...

I got up yesterday morning and decided it was time to cut my hair. I went in and had my mid-back length hair cut. I actually went back later in the day and had it cut more. It is chin length. I like it, but I think it really shows off my fat face and gives away how much weight I need to lose. Sigh..


  1. I love it! Your hair is so nice and full in the back. Your hair is perfect for that cut.

    You look mahvohlous!!!

    Kristina in Orlando (FIAR)

  2. It looks great! I, however, am not that brave.

  3. Lisa, I love your haircut! It just brightens up your whole face :D And I am a little jealous of how thick your hair is. ;)

    Wendy KY (FIAR)

  4. So, I'm missing the fat face. And it doesn't look fuller than the face in the long hair either.

    I like that style very much. I have been kicking the idea around of chopping mine off too. It's been several years. It is long. If I worked the cuts right, I could probably get TWO locks of love lengths out of all of it.

    I hate going to the hair dresser though. I am rarely happy. And honestly? who wants to spend $20-$100 to be "sorta happy" with their hair??

    Yours looks fab. Wish I had that red.


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